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 Click Add Request on the web page.


Add more content to my family page

  1. What can be added to my page?
  2. How do I get items to you?
  3. Where can I send information by mail?

About tech support

  1. How can I get help with tech issues?
  2. Where do I find self-help?

Safe browsing and secure information

  1. Is this Web site secure?
  2. What about privacy and data collection?

What can be added to my page?

 Click Add Request on the web page to add several images from any device.

 Download templates to add a photo album identical to the family gallery collection. A photo album link will be placed on your page for visitors to access. In addition, you can add your twitter and facebook profile feeds.

 All videos added require a link to video or upload video using this online File Upload Form

How do I get items to you?

Click Add Request on the web page.

The Online Family Information Form will allow you to upload files, images, and add any text.

Where can I send information by mail?

You can send your information to Tyrone Jones 9466 Navajo Trl #14, Morongo Valley, CA 92256-9823 home (760) 363-2259

Your feedback and problems with tech issues for this site can be submitted using the online form: Online Contact Form

Where do I find self-help?

You can find free and easy solutions for all kinds of Internet and software tutorials go here: GCFLearnFree.org is highly recommended.

Is this Web site secure?

The site use HTTPS encryption just like the banks. You see the small lock in the window site address to verify encryption is enabled. More details...

What about privacy and data collection?

PLEASE take note of additional efforts to provide a SSL certificate for secure browsing when entering your information as an additional way to show a respect that user privacy over the Internet is of utmost importance. Read Privacy Policy


Birthday Calendar


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Tyrone Jones
Host and Webmaster

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